Jay - Miss Pin up New Zealand entry and more

I met Jay at The Very Vintage day out in 2019. She caught my eye with her amazing outfit, after chatting, she explained how she had made it herself. We did a few images which came out well. Later asked me to `shoot the images for her submission into the following Miss Pin Up New Zealand competition. We have gone on to do a few more shoots together so here are a selection of that work. I have really enjoyed working with Jay as she puts so much effort into planning the shoots and always has lots of ideas of her own while being more than happy to let me explore ideas and concepts of my own. The photographer / model trust model is something that I never take for granted. Putting in time and effort to get to know someone really shows in the final images. We always have a good laugh, that relaxed atmosphere helps to create images that we both love.


Franklin sunflower fields


Viv at the Fable